sábado, 28 de junio de 2014

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: PhD studentship in hypoxia signalling

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Institución:Aston University/UK
Contacto correo-e:m.stich@aston.ac.uk
Hypoxia signalling in ageing metabolism
(Dr Alex Cheong, Dr Zita Balklava, Prof Ian Stanford, Dr Michael Stich)

This project will be a multidisciplinary research between the School of Life and Health Sciences (LHS) and the School of Engineering and Applied Science (EAS) at Aston University/UK. Combining both innovative molecular biology and mathematical modelling, we aim to build a comprehensive map of the mechanisms through which hypoxia contributes to longer lifespan in the worm Caenorhabditis elegans. From this map, we can predict and identify potential key components of longevity in the worm and also transpose our findings to human. Scientifically, this will provide deeper understanding of the complex interactions underlying increased lifespan. Practically, it may provide targets which can be exploited to enhance longevity and health in people.

Eligible Applicants should hold a Bachelor (Hons.) Degree of either 1st Class/2.1 or hold a Master's Degree in Molecular Biology or related discipline. Knowledge in systems biology and/or mathematical modelling is highly desirable. EU Applicants will need to demonstrate adequate proficiency in English Language skills.

The studentship is funded by Aston Research Centre for Healthy Ageing & the School of Engineering & Applied Science and comprises of a tax-free stipend of £13,863 p.a. and payment of Home/EU tuition fees only. The studentship is available for three years, subject to satisfactory progress review at the end of the first year, with an anticipated Registration date of 1st October 2014.

Deadline for application: July 18th 2014.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
For more information and online application see http://jobs.aston.ac.uk and reference R140192

Contact for informal enquiries: Dr A. Cheong (a.cheong@aston.ac.uk) or Dr M. Stich (m.stich@aston.ac.uk)

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