miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

[Ofertas con perfil "Informática y Multimedia"] Three-year Full-time PhD Studentship Available in...

#forums.Forum#: Ofertas con perfil "Informática y Multimedia"
#forums.Author#: Carlos Perez Conde
#forums.Posted#: 2014-09-10 16:58:38.131173+02

Three-year Full-time PhD Studentship Available in Cloud Computing

Networks Group at University of the West of Scotland (www.uws.ac.uk) is a world excellence in networking technologies. Its four academic staff have strong expertise in cloud computing, multihop wireless networks, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Internet of Things (IoT), and converged indoor positioning. The group has received substantial research funding from EU, EPSRC (UK), Technology Strategy Board (TSB, UK), and other international organisations. The group has a strong link with industry as well. Over the last few years, nearly thirty patents and two hundred papers have been generated from the group members.

With the continuous growth of the group and support from industry, an industry supported PhD studentship is available in investigating a service-oriented cloud information centre for transportation services. The studentship covers the tuition fee and living stipend up to EPSRC standard. (Around 1150 GBP NET stipend a month).

An enthusiastic and self-motivated candidate is sought to work on this project. The candidate is expected to have a very good first degree and have strong research background in either computer science, networking, or other IT related subjects. Any experience with cloud computing, virtualization, automation, big data, or good publication record will definitely be an advantage.  It will be considered as advantage any programming, software designing and mobile programming skills.

The candidate will have a bright career opportunity because of the collaboration with industry.

The position is open to those who would like to work hard, take challenges, and contribute to the knowledge.

Anyone who is interested in this position, please send your CV (resume) with a covering letter to Prof. Xinheng Wang at xinheng.wang@uws.ac.uk, or Dr Jose M. Alcaraz-Calero at Jose-Maria.Alcaraz-Calero@uws.ac.uk. Further enquiry could be made to them as well.

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